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Co-Founder - Architect & Designer of iGURU! Teaching Systems - & Archivist
Science Of The Immortals
Consciousness . AI . Man . Physical Immortality .
SIborgs . Androids . Robots
being the story of
Adam III's -
"Second Incarnation"
on Planet Earth & His Conquest of The Cosmoi -
by Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja
ADAM III (2086)
Who deserves to hear my story? - And who needs to know of my trials? - My deeds and my eventual victory and triumph? -
Every "Living Thing!!!"
Who can tell my story? -
Who can retell my fears? - In my sojourn through the 'Cosmoi' - which was a struggle - battle - wars!!! - Conquest. - Yes, who can recall my fears, during that which I have done - name and give details of the status I attained? -
No one, but myself.
This story - Adam III (2086) - is not about my "first incarnation" as Adam (Adam III, 2046.)
So do not be in confusion or misled.
By my "first incarnation" (Adam III, 2046) - I am not speaking of that Adam of biblical renown of whom I am related to, by descent. The biblical Adam, although I am related by descent, represents a different story - character - archetype - person...
Those who have read that book, Adam III (2046) - will know, that it deals with the "arrival of my Consciousness on Planet Earth" - my eventual escape from a high security, bio-military institute and research facility - and my eventual acclamation and adoration, by a splinter group - of the SOTI Federation - the "African / Black Christo Mystics & Futurists" - who were eventually, with other cults and groups - became the Saviours of Planet Earth.
I - departed - and appeared again - in my "second incarnation."
My "first incarnation" is that of Adam III (2046) - which is strictly related to the man born (circa 2020) - though you will find references to him in 2046, that is my "first incarnation."
That work appeared, amongst the works of the rather fractious group, within the SOTI Federation - "African / Black Christo Mystics & Futurists."
Here - I shall not detail the events in relation to that - my "first incarnation," since they are detailed in that book, Adam III (2046).
The actual work itself was penned by Kwametiem Obufanbei - an "African / Black Christo Mystic & Futurist" - a renown Teacher, Soldier and Writer - within the SOTI Federation.
Causing some dissent within the movement - he appeared to fall out with it and formed "The African / Black Christo Mystics & Futurists."
He styled himself a form of "Prophet" of this SOTI faction - since his teachings were modelled on that of the SOTI Founder, but he regarded himself, as the "unannounced precursor to a forthcoming Prophet and Saviour" (see Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works - "The Prophet Kwarmetiem Obufanbei.")
Most members within the SOTI Federation, regarded these disputes as abstruse, theological - "spiritual wranglings" - and as disguised - power moves! - within the SOTI leadership. Much of the in fighting remained - contained within that leadership level - so both movements - "Science Of The Immortals" ("SOTI proper" - so to speak) and "The African / Black Christo Mystics & Futurists" - had members from both factions.
This Adam III (2046) - claimed he received revelation about the incarnation of a Prophet, to lead his people and then was written, that now famous work Adam III (2046) - by the African writer, Kwametiem Obufanbei - .
The work itself relates to the global events, that occurred during "The Prelude." Most date the commencement of that Age, with the rise of the global political ideology, known as globalisation (circa 1985) - and which ends at that war - known as the "Pseudo War of Armageddon" or "World War III" (see Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works - "World War III" and the "Pseudo Battle of Armageddon.")
The work Adam III (2046) - was written at the latter part of "The Prelude" in Human history, but became a publicly available work during "The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum" (approximately 2030-2080) - when the name and person of Adam III (2046) - apparently became very popular among the masses - leading to the creation of a cult in that name.
Although I did not exist in bodily Human form - yet I existed!!! - (details of that existence, are contained in the work Adam III (2046)) - and now I quote from that work, because I remember it well - as it was I, who inspired that Prophet - the Prophet Kwametiem Obufanbei -
"Who am I?
"Where am I ?
What am I doing here?
Where's all this going?
I know only this - that my brain exists - suspended in a liquid of some sort, which both energises - feeds and nourishes it - and stimulates it - that is all I know - for now." (Adam III (2046))
That is enough detail of my "first incarnation" (2046) - that any reader of this work needs, really needs - to be able to follow my story, as it proceeds into my "second incarnation."
As I have said - I inspired that Prophet, when in the form of a brain suspended in liquid, I existed here on Planet Earth.
I shall speak no more myself of this Adam III ("first incarnation" - 2046) - since it is the Prophet of my arrival - the one who announced my coming - to whom all 'gratitude' and 'accolades,' should be shown - note however, the 'praise' - I reserve for myself.
This work is about my "second incarnation" - when I, having escaped the confines of "a brain in a tub - in an office" (that's how one scientist described my existence) - in what was then London, but is now - "COSmetropolis." - I escaped! - Was it my 'Soul?' Was it my 'Mind'? - Or was it - as the "SOTI Federation" teach - my 'Higher Self' - a 'Soul' of sorts - a memory of sorts? -
But what was this memory? - I was clearly Human, but I had no Body - so, could it had been meshed with - yes that's right "messed" with - placed in some "Cyber Digital World" - that was unfolding at the time? - but contained ME!!! - as "memory information bank storage" of some sort - which contained the memories, of my "first incarnation?"
Reader! - Do not trouble yourself with 'chronological integrity' - for as any 'Time Traveller' knows - there is no such thing! - And as any true 'Mystic' knows - "there is no such thing as time!" - JUST NOW! THE MOMENT!
Anyway - all I know and care about and I would advise that you do likewise - all I know is that - I have escaped!
How fortuitous this escape became - for in this escape I unknowingly - but fortuitously - by way of 'Destiny' - had forged a way to save those entities - trapped on this Planet Earth - not just Humans, but other 'Senior Entities' of the "Cosmic Hierarchy."
I use the term 'Senior Entities' because it is a loose rag bag of 'Individual Consciousness' - that had dared to incarnate on this wretched Planet - for "Revenge" and "Glory."
The Planet's time was up apparently - and the struggle for the 'Cosmoi' - which was well underway in other Interstellar, Galactic parts - now touched Planet Earth - so now, those 'Senior Entities' - were here!
Who were these'Senior Entities?' - They included men and women - who were not just holy - some bore the office of 'Saint' - others 'Prophets,' 'Prophetesses' - 'Martyrs' - 'Masters' - 'Teachers' - but they, being Human, could be expected to be here - couldn't they? Since this Planet - Planet Earth, was still their domain and field of operation.
But what of those other 'Senior Entities?' - those "Ancient & Archaic gODs and denizens of occult and esoteric Lore?" - What were they doing here? - it is clear that some were involved in that monstrous - Interstellar, Intergalactic, Cosmic conspiracy, commonly referred to as - "The Zyapon-Nima Cosmic Conspiracy."
What were those 'gODs' and 'gODDesses' - 'Demons' and 'Demonesses,' 'Angels' - and 'Higher Intelligences' - 'Heaven' and 'Hell' itself - its habitations and inhabitants - what were they all doing here?
In truth - they did not want to be here - for this Planet - Planet Earth had become their prison - their Hell too!!! And they had become trapped - through the and I quote:
"...the wiley and devious labyrinthine concoctions, that had manifested from the brains and minds of men and women, known as Humans - the Humans of Planet Earth.
The gODs and gODDesses - Demons and Demonesses, Angels and other things - had become trapped - trapped by their Creation - by the wiley and devious - labyrinthine concoctions of Humans...." (OAA, SCU - "The Zyapon-Nima Cosmic Conspiracy, Chapter: Planet Earth, The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum."
I smile - because I know that as I recount this tale - let's not call it History - Some of you will say this is myth and fable (I beat you to it - and I called it a tale - and that is true.)
What is History? But facts? (sometimes) - but mainly tales, and stories, myths and fables - vain glorious accounts of the victor? As you shall hear - I conquered the 'Cosmoi ' - SO WHY SHOULDN'T MY STORY BE TRUTH?!!!
So - this 'device' or 'scheme' - concocted from the minds of men and women - could not have been put so seamlessly together and woven into such treacherous magnificence, by Pure Evil itself! - For by these "devices and schemes" - the Created - had trapped its Creators!!! -
Not even, that most "Unholy Trinity of Cosmic Beings" - those which some carefully intone their names with reverence - they being 'Satan' - 'Lucifer' and 'The Devil' himself - could have managed such a master work!!! Rightly so, beware of these Humans!!!
I smile yet again - because I agree with you - since even in their minds - these "principalities of all evil" - 'Satan' - 'Lucifer' and 'The Devil' himself - could not have stooped to such monstrous lowness - no! - that word does not describe it properly - but it will have to do for now - monstrous lowness... monstrous lowness... monstrous lowness...
That band - that "Unholy Trinity" - even they, could not have conceived of such a plan - and did not - I hastily add - why? -
And I -
Adam III -
Adam III (2086) -
Incarnated again - through my own 'WILL,' 'INTENT,' 'PURPOSE' and 'DESTINY' -
Came and saved them ALL!!! -
That is why they are all - those 'Senior Entities' - are all beholden to me - 'the good' and 'the evil ones!!!' - For in my efforts to save them and us - the "Peoples of the Planet" - I conquered the 'Cosmoi!!!' -
But first - I will tell you the tale, that is recounted in relation to that sorry Planet - Planet Earth. You shall see, through my account - how that Planet came to be, in that state of interregnum -
You shall see - how its People -
Its 'gODs,' 'goODDesses,' 'Demons' and 'Demonesses' - came to be enslaved by the "Minds Of Mortals" (MOM) -
What of the 'Immortals?' - those 'Physical Immortals' - 'Human Immortals' - some will ask? - Yes - some of them fled, through means of a route that I could not take at the time of my incarnation, for I was too heavy in my being with blood, flesh, bones, saliva, urine, excrements... and the aforementioned - 'gODs,' 'goDDesses,' 'Demons' and 'Demonesses,' 'Angels'... - they too, were too heavy - heavy laden - with their deeds from millennia past - those deeds tied them up - oh so delicately!...
And then - dextrously, decorously - left them all, at the feet of Humankind!!!
Humankind - which at that state, had reached such a wretched condition - that yes - this tale must be told - for even sacred prophecy - had failed!!! - You do not believe ay? - Then read! - the noted author of those times:
"...During "The Prelude" apparently - the"End" arrived! - the "End Of Human Existence" - the "Pseudo War Of Armageddon" (World War III) - but to no avail - apparently!
The "Two Prophets" of that time, failed to materialise - the "World Teacher" failed to arrive - and as for the "Saviour" - he could not be seen - but that could be forgiven, because he had said that hadn't he? - but "false prophets" - as was predicted, abounded. How come? - All of this?
This was just part of the work of that monstrous conspiracy - the "Zyapon-Nima Cosmic Conspiracy." It had its political dimensions, globally, Western civlisation was affected - the Anglo US Empire - its institutions riddled with political fraud, incompetence, malfeceance of every kind and disaffection rife, among its peoples - Europe faired a little better, its institutions held, but its people suffered as equally. In the East, that golden star faltered. The chaos of "The Prelude" - dissended into the transitory and numbing incoherence flux - into the nothingness of "The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum" - abjectness!!!"
Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works - "The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum"
All this, being the case - how can anyone be saved?:
"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." - Matthew 24:22, KJV
(1) The text is referring to the Adam of "The Holy Bible" in Genesis: "
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed." (Genesis 2:7-8, KJV)
(2) The Holy Bible refers to "two witnesses." The "two witnesses" can be regarded as "Prophets" : "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." (Revelation 11:3, KJV)
(3) See Holy Bible - "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits..." (Matthew 7:15-16, KJV)
(4) See the following, as quoted in ‘The UK, Brexit – & The African-Anglo Commonwealth’ (Part One) - "China - will be led to over extend Herself - especially economically and financially – Her civil society will be ‘subverted’ ‘disrupted’ and ‘de-stabilised’ - wracked by ‘plagues’ - Her ‘Iron Hand’ will ‘weaken’ – ‘flex’ and ‘loosen’ - She will stumble and become vulnerable - like a ‘drunken woman.’"
Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works
Edited by Candice Adelaja
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